Today was the day, when i finally got my bank account opened! well it will be opened in a week or so :) i have signed a pile of documents, now i have to wait for the PIN code of my VISA :0 i still cannot believe that these things can be sent by mail, not given at the bank. but rules are rules, after receiving mail with PIN code I'll go to my bank, meet my wonderful frenglish speaking personal bank assitant and she'll give me my CARTE BLEUE...hopefully in a week (it depends on the work of POST office).
Then I'll get my check card and finally my electronic banking will start working (I'll receive some security codes by POST as well!) other fun stuff, you not only get your personal banker, but also your personal bank office, for example you cannot go to other offices of the same bank elsewhere in France, just that one, where you have opened your account! So NOTUSERFRIENDLY!!!
after spending some time in Bank, i understood that it's a great place to work! as working hours are really nice:
Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:15 and 13:30-17:15 the bets is during Fridays 8:30-12:00 and go home!! a dream job! i have to get to know what are the working hours at the post office,as i don't think that they can be better I'm considering to change my dream job form Post officer to banker :0
Or What a big role Post office has here!If you get a fine for parking your scooter in a forbidden place most of you i can imagine think that next step would be to go to the police office or bank and pay there or pay from your home straight from your bank account.But not in here, not in France!
here you just have to go to TOBACCO shop! Buy a special double stamp worth 35EUR and stick both of them on the papers that your found on your scooter. then buy another, normal stamp and send it via POST!when i wrote it donwn it doesn't seem to be so difficult or crazy. but believe me it is! especially when you are doing this for the first time!!T
his is the first story about France and how important is here Post office. post is amazingly important while opening bank account, trying to sign a contract for cellphone, as well as for internet, cable TV! it's like the middle part of everything! and imagine the moment when they are on strike for 3 weeks! no bank account, no credit card, no cellphone... the best thing is just to breathe deeply, relax and finish all your setting up in 2 months or more ;)
All Hours are and should be happy!...but some are more happy than the other :)In Nice Happy Hours start at 18:00 and usually should end at 21:00...they end practically (no more half priced beers and cocktails), but happiness stays! :DThis Tuesday was a Happy one! but Wednesday :| a hard/long/sleepy/dizzy/.../but still happy :PAt 7 in the morning i couldn't believe that this is my alarm clock, that it's a time to wake up and go to work!! shower helped a lot.The lesson at this moment for everyone is: you better don't shave your legs after Happy Hours! No no no! i had the idea that you cannot cut yourself with those super duper Gillette Venus Breeze...but nope! you can! and then a comedy "Let the Blood Run Free" started (i hope you remeber this old comedy)! Blood in the shower, on the floor, on the towel...from a little cut. kids, don't shave your legs after Happy Hour! ;pLina Grimbergen
You can not open train door if you come too late. even if you are just a minute too late. Schedule. Rules. i learned this lesson - always have something to read or listen to while waiting for other train to come. but that's a bad feeling - to run all the stairs and long way to the train, find the train but could not open the door. then stand near and watch it go. pfffffffff the same happened later. as i was late for the train i planned to take, of course i also was late to go and buy some Nespresso capsules. the Boutique was working up to 19.00...and i was near the door of the store 19.02 or sth :\ the store was full of people, but they didn't let anyone else inside. TOO LATE. WE ARE CLOSING!! my smile didn't work there :( so came home tire and without Nespresso :(
and for the ones who know what a TRAMCAR IS :D French version! enjoy ;)