Today was the day, when i finally got my bank account opened! well it will be opened in a week or so :) i have signed a pile of documents, now i have to wait for the PIN code of my VISA :0 i still cannot believe that these things can be sent by mail, not given at the bank. but rules are rules, after receiving mail with PIN code I'll go to my bank, meet my wonderful frenglish speaking personal bank assitant and she'll give me my CARTE BLEUE...hopefully in a week (it depends on the work of POST office).
Then I'll get my check card and finally my electronic banking will start working (I'll receive some security codes by POST as well!) other fun stuff, you not only get your personal banker, but also your personal bank office, for example you cannot go to other offices of the same bank elsewhere in France, just that one, where you have opened your account! So NOTUSERFRIENDLY!!!
after spending some time in Bank, i understood that it's a great place to work! as working hours are really nice:
Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:15 and 13:30-17:15 the bets is during Fridays 8:30-12:00 and go home!! a dream job! i have to get to know what are the working hours at the post office,as i don't think that they can be better I'm considering to change my dream job form Post officer to banker :0
Rašyti komentarus (Atom)
cha cha :D aš irgi taip manau, kad šiltoje šalyje, kur daug saulės, kur laukia paplūdimiai ir įdegę vaikinai, dirbti ilgas darbo valandas yra baisu! Bet prieš pereinant į kokį ofisą pabandyk išsiderėti tokių darbo valandų iš savo darbdavio. Sakyk, kita šalis - kitos taisyklės :D
AtsakytiPanaikintinesuprantu kam tau ta kortele, man atrodo planas buvo ant jaguaru gulinet saules atokaitoje ir laukt vyro griztancio is kazino... hm!
AtsakytiPanaikintikortele pinigams is vyro gautiems taupyt :0